Adding A Custom Field In Refinery

by Jess Brown

If you're a developer, you're always wanting to tweak and configure things to your liking. This is one reason I love working with Refinery CMS.

I was recently building a CMS for a client and in the design there was a main image at the top of the page:

I wanted my client to easily be able to swap this image out for another if they wanted. I wanted a field on the Admin > Edit Page screen that allowed control of this image. Refinery made this easy to do. Here are the steps I took to do it.

Add the field

rails g migration AddMainPhotoToRefineryPages main_photo_id:integer
rake db:migrate

Here we're creating a field in the main refinery_pages table and it's a foreign key. The foreign key will link to an image we add to the refinery_images table, which is making use of Refinery's existing method of handling images.

Update the admin form

To update the Admin > Edit Page form, you just need to override the view:

rake refinery:override view=refinery/admin/pages/_form

Now open app/views/refinery/admin/pages/_form.html.erb and add the below code to your form (I added it underneath the "form_fields_after_title" partial)

<div class="field">
  <%= f.label :main_photo %>
  <%= render :partial => "/refinery/admin/image_picker", :locals => {
    :f => f,
    :field => :main_photo_id,
    :image => f.object.main_photo,
    :toggle_image_display => false

Permit the field

I'm using Refinery on Rails 4 which uses strong_parameters, so we need to permit this field so it will be accepted in our create and update actions. To do this we can make use of Refinery's decorators. Create a new file app/decorators/controllers/refinery/admin/pages_controller_decorator.rb and insert this code:

Refinery::Admin::PagesController.class_eval do
  def page_params
      :browser_title, :draft, :link_url, :menu_title, :meta_description,
      :parent_id, :skip_to_first_child, :show_in_menu, :title, :view_template,
      :layout_template, :main_photo_id, parts_attributes: [:id, :title, :body, :position]

Here we're just overwriting the method in Refinery's admin pages controller that defines the page params allowed and we're adding our :main_photo_id field to it.

Setup the relationship in the model

Now we just need tell rails what to relate the main_photo_id field to. We can do that with a simple belongs_to. Create a new file app/decorators/models/refinery/page_decorator.rb

Refinery::Page.class_eval do
  belongs_to :main_photo, :class_name => '::Refinery::Image'

Now we have a simple field we can use to add or remove the image. There's just one more step: we need to specify how we want that image to show up in the view.

The Display

Depending on your design, there's lots of ways you could use the image we saved in the admin, but here's how I did it.

If you don't already have the show page overridden, go ahead and override it:

rake refinery:override view=refinery/pages/show

Now open app/views/refinery/pages/show.html.erb and place this code where it belongs on your page:

<% if @page.main_photo.present? %>
  <%= image_tag(@page.main_photo.url) %>
<% end %>

That's it! Let me know if you have any questions.

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