Using the sanitize gem - Clean HTML

I recently had a need to sanatize html entered by users in an app. The app ( allowed professors to enter homework assignments for their ebooks. One type of homework assignment is a written assignment. The app needed to allow the user/student to create and submit an assignment. At first we were using uploaded documents, but with thousands of students, this became a heap of uploaded word docs. Recently we decided to allow the student to submit their assignment via html using an html editor (trimmed way down to just basic text formatting).
My fear was that allowing this many people to enter html into my database, that something might get wonked up. I'm not a security expert, but I figured I should be sanitizing the html.
After a bit of research I found the sanitize gem ( It does 2 basic things: 1) clean the html of unwanted tags and closes any open tags. Hopefully this won't be a problem for me because I'm preventing the user from editing actual html with a slimmed down html editor, but I don't want to take a chance.
The gem is pretty straight forward. Just place it in your gem file and then bundle.
Next, in the AR model you want to store your html in, I added a 'before_save' hook.
class AssignmentUpload < ActiveRecord::Base
before_save :clean_html
def clean_html
self.html = Sanitize.clean(html, whitelist)
The biggest decision you have to make is which tags you want to
whitelist. Sanitize has several pre built levels for you to use.
looked like the option for me. However, I
realized that I needed to allow a span tag with a inline style
(professors wanted to make notes to the assignments and highlight text).
I didn't want to recreate the pre setup from scratch, so I figured out
is just a hash so I just slightly modified it.
def whitelist
whitelist = Sanitize::Config::BASIC
whitelist[:attributes]["span"] = ["style"]